New restrictions on Cuba travel by the Trump administration went into effect Wednesday, June 5, completely ending all cruise and private plane travel to Cuba. Despite this incredibly disappointing decision, we want to make sure you understand one important thing:
U.S. travelers can still visit Cuba on a land-based trip under the Support for the Cuban People general license.
Exeter Latin America private itineraries were already compliant with the Support for the Cuban People general license since the last U.S. changes in Cuba policy in 2017, when the Trump administration eliminated individual people-to-people travel.
So, with our private Cuba land itineraries, it’s business as usual. And commercial air to Cuba from the U.S. continues to operate like before, too.
Easy ways travelers can meet the requirements include: staying in privately-owned accommodations or non-prohibited government hotels; dining in privately-owned restaurants (paladars) and a full daily schedule of support Cuban entrepreneurs (cuentapropistas) including ours drivers and guides, as well as shop and gallery owners, and more.
Cuba is still a wonderful, fascinating destination with welcoming people who need and deserve your support – interacting is the only way to bring about meaningful change for the Cuban people.
Send us an email or give us a call (877-333-4988) to learn more or start planning your journey.