Exeter Alumni: Andy’s Take on CubaOur Magazine

By Andy D. (Washington, D.C.)
All photos provided courtesy of Andy
I spent 11 amazing days in Cuba on a private trip organized by Exeter Latin America in July 2016, and can without any hesitation call it a trip of a lifetime. Unlike many places I’ve been, Cuba was not just a place to get away but also a fascinating opportunity to observe another world 90 miles from our shores.
I’ve found it difficult to come up with a succinct answer when asked: “How was your Cuba trip?” It’s a place that defies simple answers – simultaneously charming and confounding – and I offer those considering Cuba travel the following 5 reflections (and photos!) as my own “taste” of Cuba.
#1 – Vibrant Arts
Whether in studios or just in everyday life, the art in Cuba is stunning. In Havana, we visited with several artists, including one whose series of paintings on old maps was fascinating. In other parts of the island, we enjoyed art museums and learned local lore. But my favorite art experience was an old factory in Havana transformed into THE place to go late at night, Cristal beer in hand, to see an array of works by contemporary artists. The atmosphere was lively but also authentic, given that the crowd was overwhelmingly local thanks to the relatively reasonable admission cost.
#2 – Music
Everywhere we went, music was in some way part of our experience, but this was perhaps most true in Santiago de Cuba. I’ll never forget the goosebumps I got at La Casa de la Trova, when a singer looked me in the eye and sang a beautiful tune at this legendary music venue. I may not have understood the Spanish words, but the feeling was unforgettable. Another Santiago highlight was getting to enjoy the first night of Carnaval. The festival always takes place in late July and has its origins in the 17th century, when slaves reshaped the traditional Lenten celebration. It made for an absolutely magical ending to the trip, as we danced late into the evening to the conga santiaguera and posed for pictures with welcoming — and costumed — locals.
#3 – Ingenuity
Many Cubans must have sharp mechanical skills because old cars are everywhere and still going fast–often without seat belts! I had great fun after the trip showing my car aficionado father the pictures and testing how many of those beauties he could identify. Even on the busiest of highways, cars mix with horse and buggy.
#4 – Politics and Propaganda
I was off the internet grid through the trip, taking a break from the U.S. presidential election campaign. In its place, I found myself immersed in Cuban politics through talking with the people we met as well as the ubiquitous revolutionary propaganda everywhere. I saw no posters for any other cause, certainly not any conventional advertising. You’re never too far away from Fidel, Raúl, or Che, no matter how small or isolated the town. It was a colorful look at a political system very different from our own.
#5 – Lush and vibrant
Outside of its cities, Cuba has farms, mountains, rivers, lakes, beaches, and other natural resources. Incredibly, over 70 percent of its plants remain native species. I expected Cuba to be beautiful but had no idea just how much so. We enjoyed some amazing hikes in the Viñales valley as well as the Topes de Collantes (outside Trinidad) and Alejandro de Humboldt national parks. And just west of Havana, we had an educational visit to an innovative organic farm that has over 500 beds and employs over 15 people. We met with the farmer who started it all, but only after he spent eight months digging a well.
Ready to start planning your custom, private Cuba trip? Send us an email or call us today (877-333-4988).